HERo Talk

Listen to your HERoes.

Join your cohosts as they talk about real life and real women in music. Every Friday, sit back and join the conversation as we interview women from all different areas in classical music. We will also talk about our lives and topics that affect us every day. HERo Talk is like talking to your friends at the bar or coffee shop. We hope to have you join us!

Meet Your Cohosts

Darrian Lee- Founder

Angela King-Education Director

HERo Talk Guests


Evee Hunnel

Evelyn "Evee" Hunnel is a prodigious composer and pianist. She is a transgender woman from Marietta, GA, and currently works as an accompanist for the Nashville Ballet. She has been lauded as, "The next Vladamir Horowitz" by jazz pianist and composer Misha Stefanuk. She is a diligent and determined multi-instrumentalist with supernatural organization and skills in notation, DAW, and production software.